Buy in: $10
- 1st: $125 + Trophy
- 2nd: $50
- 3rd: $40
- 4th: $30
- 5th: $20
- Last: $10
Pick a team of 6 players after episode 1. This is your team for the entire season.
When it comes down to the final 3 (or 2, pending this season), you'll pick 1 player out of the ones you still have in the game and to put a final 15 point wager on.
*(if you pick incorrectly, you lose 15 points)
Rules and Points
Pick the Survivor that is eliminated in episode 2
Any Survivor that says the name of the episode first. If a Survivor who is eliminated says the name of the episode (ie. from the jury box), a point is still rewarded for that Survivor
Any Survivor that goes on a hiking/boat journey. (This does not include secret journeys that are taken from an advantage or clue. The rule is specifically for journey's from official mail or challenges where a Survivor meets up with one or more Survivors from a different tribe.)
Any Survivor that reads aloud any mail to at least one other person. This is meant to account for not only tree mail, but boat mail and other mail that comes to the Survivors not associated with a hidden idol or advantage.
Any Survivor that chooses a risk (whether it be risking a vote, opening up a Beware Advantage, or anything else)
Any Survivor that is told directly about an immunity idol/advantage from it's owner
* the original owner of the idol/advantage has to tell another player directly for that player to get points
Any Survivor that receives professional medical attention from the Survivor Medical Team.
Any meal or drink a Survivor purchases at the Survivor Auction (excludes sharing).
Any Survivor that receives a visit or message (i.e. letter, video, etc) from a loved one.
Any Survivor that receives a visit from a loved one.
Player Trade
One time player trade - After episode 4 (after the Episode 4 standings have been calculated), everyone will be allowed to trade one (1) Survivor still in the game, and currently on their team, for one (1) Survivor not currently on their team. This is voluntary and 0 points are given up for this trade.
NOTE: you cannot trade a Survivor on your team that has already been voted out of the game
If you already have the player that the most people trade for.
Player-Points Swap (Mid-Season)
You will have a chance to exchange 2 points for 1 player that is still in the game.
Any pool player that has all six (6) players left when we do the optional player-points swap.
If you already have the player that the most people swap points for.
A Survivor that finds a clue to an Advantage.
A Survivor that receives, wins, or finds an Advantage.
A Survivor that uses an advantage in the game.
A Survivor that physcially hands over their advantage to another player
A Survivor that is physically handed an advantage
Each Survivor on a team that wins a reward challenge.
A Survivor that wins an individual reward challenge.
Any Survivor that is taken on or given a reward, but did not win.
Any Survivor that gives up their own reward.
Each Survivor on a team that wins 1st place in the immunity challenge.
Each Survivor on a team that wins 2nd place in the immunity challenge.
Each Survivor on a team that wins immunity because an individual on their challenge team won the immunity challenge.
Any Survivor players that physically hands back the team immunity idol to Jeff.
A Survivor that wins an individual immunity challenge.
Any Survivor that sits out of a challenge.
Immunity Idol
A Survivor that physcially hands over their immunity idol/necklace to another tribemate (only applies for their own tribe).
A Survivor that is physically handed the immunity idol/necklace (only applies for their own tribe).
Any Survivor that finds and reads a hidden idol clue. * this rule does not include Jeff handing a clue to a Survivor. The rule is primarily in place for the case when a Survivor finds a clue in the reward basket
Any Survivor that **finds **or gets a hidden idol. * applies for their tribe idol OR the other tribe idol
A Survivor that uses the immunity idol to protect themselves.
A Survivor that uses the immunity idol to protect someone else.
A Survivor that has an immunity idol used (from another player) to protect them.
A Survivor that is given their tribes immunity idol that the other tribe found.
A Survivor that convinces another Survivor to use a fake idol that they created.
Shot In The Dark
Choosing the Shot in the Dark and losing.
Choosing the Shot in the Dark and winning.
Tribal Council
The Survivor that goes up to the voting station first at every tribal council (does not include a second or third vote resulting from a tie)
Any Survivor that is voted off with a Hidden Idol.
Any Survivor that is voted out of the game.
Any Survivor that voluntarily leaves the game.
Any Survivor that leaves the game for any reason other than being voted off or quitting. (ie: leaves due to injury, sickness, family emergency, etc.)
Any Survivor that loses their vote, gives up their vote, or is blocked from voting at Tribal Council.
Any Survivor that makes it through Tribal Council without getting any votes cast against them.
Final Tribal Council
The Survivor who gets picked to go to the finals by the Survivor that won the final immunity challenge.
The Survivor who competes in and wins the fire-making challenge to make it to the final tribal council.
When it comes down to the final 3 (or 2, pending on the season), you'll pick 1 player out of the ones you still have in the game and to put a final 15 point wager on. (if you pick incorrectly, you lose 15 points)
*if you have no players left, you have the option of giving up 5 points so that you can choose any Survivor left in the game to win and put your 15 point wager on.
Survivor MVP
The Survivor that wins the most individual challenges (reward and immunity). Combined reward/immunity challenges count as 1 individual challenge win.
Exile Island
Any Survivor that is sent or travels to Exile Island.
Any Survivor that makes it to the final tribal council and never had their name written down to be voted off throughout the whole game.
If there are any ties in the end, those individuals will split the winnings of the prize for the position in which they tied and the one below it. (ie, if VJ and Lindsay tie for 1st place, they will split the 1st and 2nd place prize money.)